Take The Devil’s Spies Blog Tour As Part Two Commences June 30, 2024!

The Devil's Spies Book Tour June 30-July 6

June 30 marks the second leg of The Devil’s Spies book blog tour. Here’s the tour schedule for part two starting June 30, 2024:

June 30
Kickoff at Silver Dagger Book Tours
Book Review Virginia Lee Blog
Bedazzled By Books
Insane Books
Royally Insane Books

July 1
Lady Hawkeye
Plain Talk Book Marketing
Haley Cavanagh Books
4covert2overt ☼ A Place In The Spotlight ☼
Inside the Insanity– GUEST POST
Literary Gold
Trixie Reports Books

July 2
Webs and Blogs For Writers
Book Reviews by the Reluctant Retiree
I‘m Into Books
eBook Addicts
My beauty my books

July 3
Chit Chat with Charity – GUEST POST
Anna del C. Dye official page
❧Defining Ways❧
Celticlady’s Reviews
Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin’
The Book Dragon
Painting With Words

July 4
Author Sahara Foley
J.M. Northrup
Girl with Pen
Kenyan Poet
The Bookshelf Fairy

July 5
All The Write Stuff
Book Bites….with a side of coffee
C.A. Milson
Country Mamas With Kids
Beautiful Books
Tracie’s World of Books

July 6
A Wonderful World of Words – GUEST POST
Craving Lovely Books
Midnight Book Reader
Scrupulous Dreams
Twisted Book Ramblings

The Berlin Wall

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