Tag Archives: K.C. Sivils Reader Group

Join Inspector Sullivan’s Reader Group and receive a FREE copy of The Predator and The Prey

The Inspector is looking for a few good readers to join his reading group. It’s FREE, but Sully says beware, nothing is truly free.

To get your copy Kindle or ePub copy of The Predator and The Prey, along with The Inspector’s Report, you have to surrender your name and e-mail.

The Inspector’s Report will allow you to keep up with what Sully is up to along with the few friends he has on Beta Prime. Things like who is Father Nathan after now, is Sarah safe from those who hunt her and is Josephson is the dog house again.

Short stories, author interviews, back history and news on publishing dates and releases of the latest thrilling adventure of the Inspector and his team.

Click here to sign-up The Inspector’s Report and get your FREE copy of The Predator and The Prey.