Tag Archives: The Devil’s Spies

The Devil’s Spies Book Blog Tour – Leg One

The Devil’s Spies is breaking new ground for Author K.C. Sivils. It is the first of his novels to go on a book blog tour. Sponsored by Silver Dagger Book Blog Tours, The Devil’s Spies will visit four to five book blogs per day during the week of May 12-18, 2024.

The Devil's Spies Silver Dagger Book Tour

May 12
Kickoff at Silver Dagger Book Tours
A Wonderful World of Words
Book Bites….with a side of coffee
Scrupulous Dreams
Trixie Reports Books

May 13
All Things Dark & Dirty
Girl with Pen
Beautiful Books
The Book Dragon

May 14
The Sexy Nerd ‘Revue’
Naughty Nightie Book Blog
eBook Addicts
Inside the Insanity
Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin’

May 15
Haley Cavanagh Books
All The Write Stuff
Book Reviews by the Reluctant Retiree
Country Mamas With Kids

May 16
Anna del C. Dye official page
I’m Into Books
Kenyan Poet
Literary Gold
My beauty my books

May 17
Webs and Blogs For Writers
Celticlady’s Reviews
The Bookshelf Fairy
Twisted Book Ramblings

May 18
Craving Lovely Books
Insane Books
Midnight Book Reader
Royally Insane Books
Painting With Words

Book Blog Tour

Amazon Book Description:

Needing to stop the flood of humanity fleeing communist oppression by making it to the divided city of Berlin, the communist government of East Germany took drastic measures. In August of 1961, construction of the Berlin Wall began.

Two young lovers, one an American refugee worker, the other an East German seminary student, find themselves separated by the wall. Desperate to be reunited and build a life together, Angela Wettin and Michael Dieterich, with Michael’s brother Joseph, set in motion a dangerous plan to escape by tunneling under the Berlin Wall.

Determined to stop any hope of gaining freedom, the East German Stasi, the dreaded secret police of the communist state, formed Department XX/4 to infiltrate and spy on the Church in East Germany.

Faced with betrayal, the ever present watchful eyes of the Stasi, and family conflict, the trio enters a life-and-death race against the Stasi and Department XX/4.

In the divided city of Berlin, no secret is safe from The Devil’s Spies!